Men and anal, oh boy, it’s a thing now, ain’t it? Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. Seems like somethin’ young folks are into these days. Well, I ain’t one to judge, but gotta say, it’s a bit different from what I’m used to.
Seems like men and anal is gettin’ more common. Heard it’s somethin’ you gotta be careful with, though. Don’t want no ouchies down there, right? Better to be safe than sorry, I always say. Like they always say, need to know about safe anal sex. So, if it is safe, how to do it?
Hygiene Before Anal Sex
That’s what I heard, gotta keep things clean. Like when you’re cookin’ a chicken, gotta wash it real good first. Same idea, I reckon. Don’t want no nasty germs spreadin’ around. Use soap and water, that’s what my mama always taught me. Cleanliness is next to godliness, you know. For hygiene before anal sex, need to wash butt clean, like wash face.
Heard some folks use somethin’ called a…what was it…a douche? Sounds fancy. Like somethin’ you’d see in one of them city magazines. But I guess it helps clean things out. Just don’t overdo it, I suppose. Too much of anythin’ ain’t good for ya. Too much douche, maybe get painful anal fissures.
Anal Sex is a Thing
They say anal sex is a thing now, you know, for everyone. Not just for the, uh, the “special” folks anymore. It’s like how everyone’s got them fancy phones now. Times are changin’, I guess. So, it is natural for men and anal. Don’t ask me why.
Anal sex, they say, it’s all about the, uh, the anus. That’s the little hole back there, you know the one. Seems it’s got a lot of, uh, “feely” parts. Nerves, they call ’em. Makes it sensitive, like a baby’s bottom. So you gotta be gentle. No first-time anal sex, should be careful, take it easy at the first time.
- Keep it clean.
- Be gentle.
- Use that slippery stuff.
- Talk to your partner.
- Don’t be afraid to say no.
Receiving anal sex, I heard, it’s intense. What is intense? I don’t know, maybe it is exciting. I heard some men and some women, they got a, uh, a special thingy in there. A prostate, they call it. Makes it feel extra good, or so I’ve heard. But you want it to be a good kind of hurt, not a bad one, ya know? So, be slow for men and anal, be careful.
And they say there’s some special goop you can use. Lubricant, they call it. Makes things slippery, so it don’t hurt as much. Like greasin’ a pan before you fry somethin’. Keeps things from stickin’. There is a special one for anal, called silicone lubricant for intercourse, that’s what I heard.
Be Safe With Anal
So, if you’re gonna do this men and anal thing, just be safe, ya hear? It is important for safe anal sex. Talk to your partner. Make sure you’re both on the same page. Like when you’re decidin’ what to have for supper. Gotta agree, or someone’s gonna be unhappy. So, be sure you both know what you want.
And don’t be afraid to say no. If it hurts too much, or you just don’t like it, just say so. Ain’t no shame in that. Like when someone offers you some of that weird food they eat in the city. Just say, “No, thank you,” and stick to your mashed potatoes.
This men and anal thing, it’s a lot to take in. But I guess as long as folks are bein’ safe and respectful, it’s all good. Just like anythin’ else in life. Be kind, be careful, and use your common sense. That’s what my mama always said. She always know.