Oh, honey, let me tell you about this thing called cannabis keurig. It’s like one of those fancy coffee makers, but it’s got weed in it! Can you believe it? They call it Brewbudz. I heard about it from my neighbor, she’s always up on the latest gossip.
You know how sometimes that Keurig takes forever to make a cup of coffee? Well, this ain’t like that. This is different. It’s for making weed drinks. Like coffee, but with a kick, you know? Not the kick you get from regular coffee, but a different kind. They say it relaxes you. I don’t know about all that. Some folks use it for pain, others just to chill out.
What in the Sam Hill is a Cannabis Keurig?
Well, it’s like them Keurig coffee machines. You put a little pod in, push a button, and out comes your drink. But instead of just regular coffee, it’s got cannabis in it. That’s marijuana, honey. The stuff that makes you feel funny. They got coffee, tea, all sorts of things. Imagine that! Weed coffee!
They say it’s for folks who don’t want to smoke it. You know, some people don’t like smoking. This way, you just drink it down like any other drink. But it takes a little while to feel it, they say. Not like smoking, which hits you right away. This is more like sipping on it slow and easy.
How This Thing Work?
- You get these little pods, like the coffee ones, but they got weed in ’em.
- Pop one in the machine.
- Push the button.
- Wait a bit, and there you go.
- Weed coffee, or tea, or whatever you picked.
Now, I ain’t no expert on this, but that’s what I heard. Seems simple enough, even for an old gal like me. But I still don’t know, seems a little strange to me, drinking your weed.
They say this cannabis keurig thing, this Brewbudz, it’s the new big thing. Everyone’s talking about it. Like them fidget spinners a while back, remember those? This might be like that, just a fad. Or maybe it’s here to stay. Who knows with these young folks and their newfangled ideas.
Why Would Anyone Want This?
Well, like I said, some folks don’t like to smoke. And some people, they use this for pain. They say it helps with aches and pains better than them pills the doctor gives you. I got my doubts, but hey, to each their own. Then there are those who just like the feeling it gives them, I reckon. Some people like to feel a little loosey-goosey, and who can blame them, I say.
Some of the pods don’t even get you high, they claim. They are just for pain or something. It’s all so confusing. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these choices. You either smoked it or you didn’t. Now they got it in drinks, candies, even lotions! It’s a crazy world, I tell ya.
The best coffee for Keurig, well that’s something I know about. But cannabis keurig coffee? That is another thing altogether. I suppose if you like coffee and you like weed, then this is right up your alley. Me, I think I’ll stick to my regular coffee. Maybe with a little something extra in it on special occasions, if you know what I mean.
Is This Stuff Even Legal?
Well, honey, that’s a whole other can of worms. It depends on where you live. Some places, it’s fine. Other places, you can get in big trouble. You gotta be careful with this stuff. It ain’t like regular coffee, that’s for sure. You don’t want the law knocking on your door because of some weed coffee.
I hear tell that some of those pods are strong as all get-out, but if the only thing you love more than caffeine is cannabis, these pods may be for you. You gotta be careful, though. Start slow, they say. Don’t go drinking a whole pot of this stuff right off the bat. You might end up on the moon!
Cannabis keurig is a new thing, that’s for sure. Whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, I don’t know. I guess it depends on who you ask. If you’re thinking about trying this Brewbudz, just be careful. And make sure you know the rules where you live. They say, it’s the best Keurig K-cup coffee pods available this year. Some may like Atlas Coffee Club Pods. But I don’t know about this stuff.
This whole thing is just a sign of the times, I suppose. Everything’s changing so fast. Hard to keep up sometimes. But hey, as long as I got my coffee in the morning, I’m happy. Weed coffee or not. But for those who want to try every single type of marijuana edible, this might be for them. Just remember, this old lady warned you to be careful. And don’t go blaming me if you end up seeing pink elephants!