Okay, so I’ve been on this journey to figure out my curly hair, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I used to just let it do its thing, but it was always a frizzy mess. So, I decided to actually try and tame this beast. First off, I started washing it less.
- I figured out washing every day was a big no-no. My hair was always dry as a desert. Now, I wash it like, maybe twice a week, and it’s already made a huge difference.
Then, I had to find the right products. Oh boy, the trial and error! I’ve got a whole graveyard of half-used bottles under my sink.
- I started with a good conditioner, one that’s specifically for curly hair. I leave it in for a few minutes while I’m in the shower, then rinse it out. This helps a lot with the dryness. My curls started to feel softer.
- After washing, when my hair was still wet, I started using a curl cream. Just a little bit, and I scrunch it into my hair. This helps define the curls and keeps them from getting too poofy.
- And the biggest change? I stopped using a regular towel. Those things are frizz factories. I got myself a microfiber towel, and it’s been a game-changer. I gently squeeze the water out with it, no rubbing.
It took a while, but I’m finally getting the hang of it. My curls are way more defined now, and they actually look healthy. They have a decent S-wave shape most days. It’s not perfect, there are still days when my hair has a mind of its own, but it’s a whole lot better than before. It is getting shinier and strong. There are so many tips I want to try. I heard about some great dermatologists’ advice, and I am going to try them out next.
I still have a lot to learn, but I just wanted to share what I’ve figured out so far. If you’re struggling with your curly hair, don’t give up! It’s a process, but you can definitely figure out what works for you. You can make it work every day!